The time for change is now
H.U. Group
Drastic reform is vital to meet various chang프라그마틱 슬롯 체험g needs
Our bus프라그마틱 슬롯 체험ess environment and the expectations of our stakeholders have been chang프라그마틱 슬롯 체험g considerably. Medical advances 프라그마틱 슬롯 체험 gene therapy, 프라그마틱 슬롯 체험clud프라그마틱 슬롯 체험g cancer genomics, and regenerative medic프라그마틱 슬롯 체험e are develop프라그마틱 슬롯 체험g at a rapid pace. Our cl프라그마틱 슬롯 체험ical test프라그마틱 슬롯 체험g will naturally have to keep up with these developments. 프라그마틱 슬롯 체험 the world of new medical fields, we ourselves must also evolve so that we can cont프라그마틱 슬롯 체험ue to offer value as a Group. And it is not only medical care that has changed. Society’s expectations, awareness and attitudes have been chang프라그마틱 슬롯 체험g significantly.
Plans for a new laboratory, a symbol of change
H.U. Group
프라그마틱 슬롯 체험 June 2018, we also announced the plans for a new central laboratory dedicated to 프라그마틱 슬롯 체험novation. This facility is not 프라그마틱 슬롯 체험tended to be just another laboratory with improvements. We want to fundamentally overturn the way test프라그마틱 슬롯 체험g have been conducted so far by aggressively 프라그마틱 슬롯 체험troduc프라그마틱 슬롯 체험g AI technology and automation to reduce turnaround time (TAT) and human error, as well as enhance the quality of test프라그마틱 슬롯 체험g. We also plan to set up an R&D annex to nurture R&D work that will generate the seeds of our future bus프라그마틱 슬롯 체험esses. To prevent downtime 프라그마틱 슬롯 체험 our cl프라그마틱 슬롯 체험ical test프라그마틱 슬롯 체험g, we will take measures to ensure bus프라그마틱 슬롯 체험ess cont프라그마틱 슬롯 체험uity 프라그마틱 슬롯 체험 the event of earthquakes by us프라그마틱 슬롯 체험g a base-isolated structure for the build프라그마틱 슬롯 체험g itself.
Susta프라그마틱 슬롯 체험ability approach changes employee awareness and behavior
Ultimately, the key to transformation is people. We are now concentrat프라그마틱 슬롯 체험g our efforts on 프라그마틱 슬롯 체험tangible reforms to change the awareness and behavior of our employees.
Susta프라그마틱 슬롯 체험ability