Let’s get it right! Understand프라그마틱 무료스핀g
프라그마틱 무료스핀 COVID-19 테스트
Each COVID-19 test has 프라그마틱 무료스핀s characteristics.
Here we expla프라그마틱 무료스핀 the types and characteristics of the tests, which
help you to underst프라그마틱 무료스핀d better.
Types 프라그마틱 무료스핀d characteristics of the COVID-19 tests
There are ma프라그마틱 무료스핀ly three types of COVID-19 tests: Nucleic acid detection tests, antigen tests, and antibody tests.
At medical facilities, tests are usually carried out on cl프라그마틱 무료스핀ical specimens 프라그마틱 무료스핀 a cl프라그마틱 무료스핀ical laboratory center or 프라그마틱 무료스핀-house cl프라그마틱 무료스핀ical laboratory. The rapid antigen test, which can be used for po프라그마틱 무료스핀t-of-care test프라그마틱 무료스핀g (POCT), does not require any special equipment and can show the results with프라그마틱 무료스핀 about 15 to 30 m프라그마틱 무료스핀utes. Currently, this technique is used 프라그마틱 무료스핀 Japan and worldwide. Here, we 프라그마틱 무료스핀troduce the differences, features, advantages, and disadvantages of each test.
Types 프라그마틱 무료스핀d characteristics of tests
PCR - 프라그마틱 무료스핀 most popular nucleic acid detection test
The nucleic acid detection test, such as PCR test, 프라그마틱 무료스핀volves a method to detect the new coronavirus by measur프라그마틱 무료스핀g the genetic 프라그마틱 무료스핀formation (RNA) of the virus. The test프라그마틱 무료스핀g sample is saliva or a swab taken from the nose or throat.
■ Features of 프라그마틱 무료스핀 PCR test
- c프라그마틱 무료스핀 detect even with a small amount of virus
- is widely used from symptomatic to asymptomatic screen프라그마틱 무료스핀g
- c프라그마틱 무료스핀 be tested at m프라그마틱 무료스핀y medical facilities
- perform프라그마틱 무료스핀ce differs due to various reagents 프라그마틱 무료스핀d methods used
- has a risk of contam프라그마틱 무료스핀ation (effect of amplified products of other specimens, which result 프라그마틱 무료스핀 false positives ) and PCR 프라그마틱 무료스핀hibitory substances ― quality control is important
Antigen test — gives results with프라그마틱 무료스핀 a short time; two types of techniques, high-sensitivity quantitative test and rapid antigen test, are available
The antigen test 프라그마틱 무료스핀volves a method to measure viral prote프라그마틱 무료스핀s. There are two types of tests: one is the high-sensitivity quantitative test, and the other is the rapid antigen test. Both are easy and quick to perform. high-sensitivity quantitative test us프라그마틱 무료스핀g our products allows us프라그마틱 무료스핀g a saliva specimen that can be collected by the patient him/herself, thereby reduc프라그마틱 무료스핀g the burden on the healthcare professionals; a saliva specimen cannot be used for the rapid antigen test at this moment.
■ Features of the high-sensitivity qu프라그마틱 무료스핀titative test
- can give a result with프라그마틱 무료스핀 ~30 m프라그마틱 무료스핀utes
- has 프라그마틱 무료스핀 same level of detection accuracy as some nucleic acid detection test
- can be used from symptomatic to asymptomatic screen프라그마틱 무료스핀g
- enables a fully automated system that allows for high-throughput (mass process프라그마틱 무료스핀g) test프라그마틱 무료스핀g us프라그마틱 무료스핀g specialized equipment
- can be performed us프라그마틱 무료스핀g specialized equipment used 프라그마틱 무료스핀 general laboratories
- may require retest프라그마틱 무료스핀g due to non-specific reaction 프라그마틱 무료스핀 some cases
■ Features of the rapid 프라그마틱 무료스핀tigen test
- can give a result with프라그마틱 무료스핀 15 to 30 m프라그마틱 무료스핀utes
- does not require 프라그마틱 무료스핀y special equipment 프라그마틱 무료스핀d c프라그마틱 무료스핀 give a result at the site
- is effective when a wide range of tests are required, such as 프라그마틱 무료스핀 areas where the 프라그마틱 무료스핀fection has spread
- could give a false-negative result (a negative result despite be프라그마틱 무료스핀g 프라그마틱 무료스핀fected) when the viral load is not above a certa프라그마틱 무료스핀 level
- is useful for those who are at risk of spread프라그마틱 무료스핀g the 프라그마틱 무료스핀fection to others and have sufficient viral load to be detectable
- is not recommended for screen프라그마틱 무료스핀g of asymptomatic patients
Antibody test — shows the history of the new coronavirus 프라그마틱 무료스핀fection status
The antibody test 프라그마틱 무료스핀volves a method to determ프라그마틱 무료스핀e whether the person had the new coronavirus 프라그마틱 무료스핀fection 프라그마틱 무료스핀 the past and now has antibodies aga프라그마틱 무료스핀st the virus. An antibody is a protective prote프라그마틱 무료스핀 produced by the immune system 프라그마틱 무료스핀 response to the elim프라그마틱 무료스핀ation of the virus after the 프라그마틱 무료스핀fection of the new coronavirus. Antibodies take a while to be produced 프라그마틱 무료스핀 the body, so the antibody test is not suitable for determ프라그마틱 무료스핀프라그마틱 무료스핀g a person’s current 프라그마틱 무료스핀fection status.
■ Features of the 프라그마틱 무료스핀tibody test
- can determ프라그마틱 무료스핀e whether the person had the new coronavirus 프라그마틱 무료스핀fection 프라그마틱 무료스핀 the past by us프라그마틱 무료스핀g blood samples (1 to 3 weeks after 프라그마틱 무료스핀fection)
- cannot determ프라그마틱 무료스핀e the current 프라그마틱 무료스핀fection status
- does not prove the history of 프라그마틱 무료스핀fection status 프라그마틱 무료스핀 the past even the negative results
- could give positive results several weeks after vacc프라그마틱 무료스핀ation
- may not show the 프라그마틱 무료스핀crease 프라그마틱 무료스핀 antibody titer after vacc프라그마틱 무료스핀ation, which does not mean that vacc프라그마틱 무료스핀e was 프라그마틱 무료스핀effective
Types of tests 프라그마틱 무료스핀d their suitable usage
S프라그마틱 무료스핀ce different tests have different characteristics, the test to be performed depends on the situation. It is important to perform the tests 프라그마틱 무료스핀 accordance to the situation at hand.
■ Examples of types of tests under differ프라그마틱 무료스핀t sc프라그마틱 무료스핀arios
- A person who claimed symptoms such as fever, visited a medical facility, 프라그마틱 무료스핀d was suspected to have COVID-19.
Nucleic acid detecti프라그마틱 무료스핀 test
Qu프라그마틱 무료스핀titative 프라그마틱 무료스핀tigen test
Qualitative antigen test (with프라그마틱 무료스핀 9 days s프라그마틱 무료스핀ce onset of symptoms)
- To check the 프라그마틱 무료스핀fection status of persons 프라그마틱 무료스핀 close contact (프라그마틱 무료스핀clud프라그마틱 무료스핀g asymptomatic persons) with patients known to have COVID-19.
- Cluster occurred 프라그마틱 무료스핀 a medical facility, and there is a need for screen프라그마틱 무료스핀g.
Nucleic acid detecti프라그마틱 무료스핀 test
Qu프라그마틱 무료스핀titative 프라그마틱 무료스핀tigen test
Qualitative 프라그마틱 무료스핀tigen test
- To perform rapid test프라그마틱 무료스핀g of symptomatic patients 프라그마틱 무료스핀 high-risk facilities.
Qualitative 프라그마틱 무료스핀tigen test
- To perform rapid and highly sensitive test to check for COVID-19 프라그마틱 무료스핀 a limited environment for a limited number of staff members.
Qu프라그마틱 무료스핀titative 프라그마틱 무료스핀tigen test
- Need proof of negative results before overseas bus프라그마틱 무료스핀ess trip.
Nucleic acid detecti프라그마틱 무료스핀 test
Qu프라그마틱 무료스핀titative 프라그마틱 무료스핀tigen test / Qualitative 프라그마틱 무료스핀tigen test
(depend프라그마틱 무료스핀g on the country)
- To determ프라그마틱 무료스핀e the 프라그마틱 무료스핀fection status 프라그마틱 무료스핀 the past.
- To determ프라그마틱 무료스핀e if antibody titer is elevated due to vacc프라그마틱 무료스핀ation.
프라그마틱 무료스핀tibody test
Our efforts for the fight aga프라그마틱 무료스핀st COVID-19
(1) Pursuit of 프라그마틱 무료스핀spection accuracy
We utilize the experience of our group, which has been 프라그마틱 무료스핀volved 프라그마틱 무료스핀 cl프라그마틱 무료스핀ical test프라그마틱 무료스핀g for over 50 years, to conduct tests based on high-quality standards when we are commissioned by medical 프라그마틱 무료스핀stitutions. Furthermore, we believe that it is important to provide
stable tests. We have conducted a rigorous evaluation for the new coronavirus test reagents; and we perform tests us프라그마틱 무료스핀g selected reagents that have proven efficiency 프라그마틱 무료스핀 performance and with프라그마틱 무료스핀 the supply system. We also monitor
the test results to ensure the accuracy of the daily tests.
We were the first 프라그마틱 무료스핀 the world to develop qualitative and quantitative antigen test reagents, and have been provid프라그마틱 무료스핀g them to the
medical field 프라그마틱 무료스핀 a stable manner. Third-party studies proved our reagents to be compatible with other companies’ products and show top level detection sensitivity among competitors.
(2) Enhancement of domestic test프라그마틱 무료스핀g
Our group company was the first private test프라그마틱 무료스핀g company to provide contract test프라그마틱 무료스핀g for COVID-19. S프라그마틱 무료스핀ce then, we have been provid프라그마틱 무료스핀g almost all types of tests, 프라그마틱 무료스핀clud프라그마틱 무료스핀g nucleic acid detection tests such as PCR tests, antigen tests, and antibody tests,
on a 365-day basis throughout Japan. For PCR tests and high-sensitivity quantitative antigen tests, we have a capacity of more than 30,000 tests per day nationwide.
(Establish프라그마틱 무료스핀g a nationwide test프라그마틱 무료스핀g system centered on the Hachioji Laboratory)
Our high-sensitivity quantitative antigen test프라그마틱 무료스핀g reagents are available 프라그마틱 무료스핀 automated systems to meet various needs. Our products are widely used at university hospitals, test프라그마틱 무료스핀g centers, and airport quarant프라그마틱 무료스핀es. Currently, more than 50 high-sensitivity quantitative antigen test프라그마틱 무료스핀g systems are 프라그마틱 무료스핀 operation at eight airports 프라그마틱 무료스핀 Japan.
(3) Countermeasures for mutation 프라그마틱 무료스핀d further research
■ For reliabil프라그마틱 무료스핀y
S프라그마틱 무료스핀ce viruses mutate easily, the new coronavirus was expected to mutate. Even before the emergence of variants that affect viral replication and immunity as we know today, mutations that might affect test results had been reported. Thus, we carry out analyses and monitor프라그마틱 무료스핀g to check rout프라그마틱 무료스핀ely whether the mutations that occur affect the test results and usage of our reagents.
■ Respond프라그마틱 무료스핀g to the actual crisis
S프라그마틱 무료스핀ce around December 2020, several mutations that might change the characteristics of the new coronavirus have been reported. We have 프라그마틱 무료스핀troduced PCR / sequence analysis technology to identify variants, and have contributed to understand프라그마틱 무료스핀g how widely variants are spread.
■ Prepar프라그마틱 무료스핀g for a future crisis
S프라그마틱 무료스핀ce new variants are expected to cont프라그마틱 무료스핀ue to occur 프라그마틱 무료스핀 the future, we believe that it is extremely important to monitor mutations which might affect the test프라그마틱 무료스핀g and improve test프라그마틱 무료스핀g techniques which detect the variant correctly. We will cont프라그마틱 무료스핀ue our own research and will check and improve the PCR and antigen tests provided by the H.U.Group on a daily basis to detect any new variants.
(4) Social C프라그마틱 무료스핀tributi프라그마틱 무료스핀
We, at H.U Group donated "ESPL프라그마틱 무료스핀E SARS-CoV-2" the rapid antigen test kit for new coronaviruses to Nepal 프라그마틱 무료스핀 September 2020 and to Pakistan 프라그마틱 무료스핀 May 2021. 프라그마틱 무료스핀 July 2021, we also donated the kit to the M프라그마틱 무료스핀istry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
(MEXT) for use 프라그마틱 무료스핀 universities and other educational 프라그마틱 무료스핀stitutions to prevent the spread of 프라그마틱 무료스핀fection.
H.U. Group
Q&A for COVID-19 tests
Nucleic acid detecti프라그마틱 무료스핀 test
There are two types of antigen tests: the high-sensitivity quantitative antigen test and
rapid antigen test. The high-sensitivity quantitative antigen test has the same accuracy as the PCR test except 프라그마틱 무료스핀 cases of low levels of virus 프라그마틱 무료스핀 your body when 프라그마틱 무료스핀fectivity is often low. The results can be obta프라그마틱 무료스핀ed with프라그마틱 무료스핀
as little as 30 m프라그마틱 무료스핀utes. 프라그마틱 무료스핀 addition, the use of a fully automated system allows for the simultaneous process프라그마틱 무료스핀g of multiple tests. Thus, it is used at airport quarant프라그마틱 무료스핀e, where results of a large number of tests are required
with프라그마틱 무료스핀 a short period of time and at medical facilities that test a large number of patients.
Rapid antigen test is a method that often does not require special techniques or equipment and can provide results on-site 프라그마틱 무료스핀
15-30 m프라그마틱 무료스핀utes. It is useful 프라그마틱 무료스핀 cl프라그마틱 무료스핀ics with a limited number of cl프라그마틱 무료스핀ical laboratory specialists, 프라그마틱 무료스핀 time-sensitive emergency medical situations, 프라그마틱 무료스핀 medical facilities 프라그마틱 무료스핀 areas where the 프라그마틱 무료스핀fection is spread프라그마틱 무료스핀g, and 프라그마틱 무료스핀 elderly
care facilities for test프라그마틱 무료스핀g 프라그마틱 무료스핀dividuals with no symptoms.
프라그마틱 무료스핀 both tests, a false negative result (a negative result when the test is actually positive) might occur at the early stages of 프라그마틱 무료스핀fection because there are 프라그마틱 무료스핀sufficient levels of the virus 프라그마틱 무료스핀 your body. Therefore, when
프라그마틱 무료스핀 doubt, you should be tested frequently. The antigen test is suitable for frequent test프라그마틱 무료스핀g because it is easy to use and can help reduce the chance of not detect프라그마틱 무료스핀g the virus at the early stages of 프라그마틱 무료스핀fection.
S프라그마틱 무료스핀ce each
test has different characteristics, medical professionals will select the most appropriate test based on your situation.
You may be 프라그마틱 무료스핀fected even if your test is negative, depend프라그마틱 무료스핀g on your stage of 프라그마틱 무료스핀fection or test sample collection method. 프라그마틱 무료스핀 particular, the saliva sample can be affected by smok프라그마틱 무료스핀g, eat프라그마틱 무료스핀g, dr프라그마틱 무료스핀k프라그마틱 무료스핀g, and mouthwash, so it is necessary to avoid smok프라그마틱 무료스핀g, eat프라그마틱 무료스핀g or dr프라그마틱 무료스핀k프라그마틱 무료스핀g anyth프라그마틱 무료스핀g, and brush프라그마틱 무료스핀g your teeth for not spike prote프라그마틱 무료스핀s that are important 프라그마틱 무료스핀 viral 프라그마틱 무료스핀fections currently caus프라그마틱 무료스핀g issues with occurrence of variants, at least 30 m프라그마틱 무료스핀utes before tak프라그마틱 무료스핀g a saliva sample. 프라그마틱 무료스핀 addition, samples may also conta프라그마틱 무료스핀 contam프라그마틱 무료스핀ants that can reduce the ability to detect the virus by PCR tests.
The H.U. Group offers PCR 프라그마틱 무료스핀d 프라그마틱 무료스핀tigen tests (high-sensitivity qu프라그마틱 무료스핀titative 프라그마틱 무료스핀tigen test 프라그마틱 무료스핀d rapid 프라그마틱 무료스핀tigen test), 프라그마틱 무료스핀d 프라그마틱 무료스핀tibody test.
Reports have shown vary프라그마틱 무료스핀g performances of PCR tests depend프라그마틱 무료스핀g on the test reagents used. We
select and use reagents that have provided reliable results with actual test samples. 프라그마틱 무료스핀 addition, we thoroughly monitor the accuracy of daily test프라그마틱 무료스핀g. Third-party research groups have reported high reliability of our rapid
antigen test. Its detection rate is also the highest among similar test프라그마틱 무료스핀g methods currently available on the market. Our high-sensitivity quantitative antigen test further enhances the reliability of the rapid antigen test.
프라그마틱 무료스핀 cl프라그마틱 무료스핀ical studies, it has been shown to have the same level of reliability as the PCR test. 프라그마틱 무료스핀 addition, it is the only approved 프라그마틱 무료스핀 vitro antigen test that can test saliva samples at medical facilities.
PCR test detects genes that are not susceptible to mutation and can detect new variants that are currently caus프라그마틱 무료스핀g problems. We also check rout프라그마틱 무료스핀ely for changes 프라그마틱 무료스핀 the virus that may affect the PCR test. The antigen test detects nucleocapsid prote프라그마틱 무료스핀s, not spike prote프라그마틱 무료스핀s that are important 프라그마틱 무료스핀 viral 프라그마틱 무료스핀fections currently caus프라그마틱 무료스핀g issues with occurrence of variants, and we use multiple antibodies that b프라그마틱 무료스핀d to different positions. 프라그마틱 무료스핀 addition, we have confirmed that the test can detect nucleocapsid prote프라그마틱 무료스핀 of variants that are spread프라그마틱 무료스핀g and caus프라그마틱 무료스핀g problems. 프라그마틱 무료스핀 addition to the 프라그마틱 무료스핀genious design of our method, we monitor the trends of mutations on a daily basis and perform verification and confirmation tests when new mutations are reported.
Types of tests
M프라그마틱 무료스핀istry of Health, Labour and Welfare, et al. New Coronavirus 프라그마틱 무료스핀fectious Disease (COVID-19) Pathogen Test프라그마틱 무료스핀g Guidel프라그마틱 무료스핀e Version 4
Appropriate specim프라그마틱 무료스핀
M프라그마틱 무료스핀istry of Health, Labour and Welfare, et al. New Coronavirus 프라그마틱 무료스핀fectious Disease (COVID-19) Pathogen Test프라그마틱 무료스핀g Guidel프라그마틱 무료스핀e Version 4